Transat's call center focuses on the manager-employee relationship for retention

This case study* highlights the successful collaboration between Transat's call center team and AtmanCo, illustrating how innovative talent-driven solutions strengthened the relationship between managers and their team members. Discover how AtmanCo's Virtual Coach played a key role in optimizing integration and the employee experience from day one at Transat.

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Born in Montreal 35 years ago and Travelife-certified since 2018, Transat is a leading player in leisure travel, particularly as an airline under the Air Transat brand. Voted best leisure airline in North America at Skytrax's World Airline Awards 2022, it offers international, U.S. and Canadian destinations. Renewing its fleet with energy-efficient aircraft, it is committed to a healthier environment, essential to its business.

The Virtual Coach helps us personalize the onboarding process and foster employee commitment once they've been hired. We felt the benefits of the Virtual Coach right from the start.

Marc-Anthony Machado

Transat Contact Center Manager


One of Transat's post-pandemic call center challenges was to rebuild its teams following a massive downsizing. Far more than a simple operational turnaround, it was a true restoration aimed at restoring the call centers' stability, sustainability and competitiveness.

A significant obstacle was recruitment and integration. The needed to hire large numbers of new talent (10 to 15 people a week), while tailoring integration to ensure commitment, motivation and retention, was the main focus.

Intensive self-training, involving around a dozen consecutive days remotely, was the first major challenge in the integration experience of new people joining call center teams for knowledge transfer, with the main objective of ensuring long-term operational stability by ensuring employee retention.

Rodrigue Gilbert, Contact Center Manager at Transat, recounts:

"New people joining our call center teams follow our online self-training courses and receive personalized coaching from the remote training team. The integration managers had to succeed in engaging their people in a more personal way from the very first weeks. Once the training was completed, the new person was transferred to theirs respective team, where the bond with his or her manager had to be solid, and it was thanks to AtmanCo that we succeeded."

Having a tool like the Virtual Coach has helped us to optimize integration and offer the best possible experience once a new person starts in the Transat call center.


Mass recruitment with high quality standards

Intensive training to effectively integrate new recruits

Motivating new recruits throughout their training period

Strong bond between manager and new recruit

Managing the diversity of call center tasks, covering various aspects of operations


Today, AtmanCo's Virtual Coach is used as soon as a new person arrives at Transat's call center, and generates a positive impact closely linked to the retention rate thanks to the integration process it enables. Its approach supports managers and team members to create a synergy conducive to professional fulfillment. From the very first day of integration, the Virtual Coach personalizes the experience for each individual, while offering recommendations for adapting the management approach.

For Transat's call center managers, the Virtual Coach has enabled them to identify motivational levers and the specific skills individuals need to develop and shine, based on their natural talents.

Innovating and reinventing ourselves is part of today's HR world. AtmanCo's new ways of doing things and forward thinking have matched our mission, and allowed us to be more agile in the talent market.

Marc-Anthony Machado, Contact Center Manager at Transat, shares his experience:

"The word 'psychometric test', it can be scary for many, but when people understood that it's with a view to maximizing their integration and engagement, I think it was very reassuring for them."

AtmanCo's Virtual Coach supports call center managers in providing more personalized support to their teams, according to their needs. It standardizes management practices, providing information to improve manager-employee collaboration while providing concrete action steps on how to interact with each individual."

The Virtual Coach enabled us to adapt much more quickly to the person, to better understand their personality style and needs.

"One of the features that has proved most useful for us is the complementarity measure. New members are often worried: who am I going to work with, who's going to be my manager? We reassure them by explaining that teams are not formed randomly. We really base the team on the personality type of both the manager and the team member.

To determine complementarity with the manager, results were examined in the context of the six personality styles, simplifying interpretation of the profiles for managers less familiar with psychometrics.

Using data from psychometric assessments combined with artificial intelligence, this partnership with AtmanCo not only helped guide leaders in understanding the talent profiles within their teams, but also gave them a better understanding of how to integrate new people into the organizational culture, their team and their role.

We've had positive feedback, telling us how quick and easy it was to work together and build a relationship of trust right from the start.

The impact of the Virtual Coach in Transat's call center :

Personalized onboarding

From the very first day of integration, the Intelligent Virtual Coach customized the integration process for each individual.

Manager-employee compatibility

By evaluating the results of psychometric assessments, the Virtual Coach identified potential strengths and areas of challenge between team members and their managers. This approach fostered complementary relationships, preventing potential friction and strengthening collaboration.

Ongoing development

The Virtual Coach provided personalized recommendations to managers on how to interact with each individual over time. This created a continuous cycle of mutual development, fuelling team members' motivation and commitment, while fostering the manager's leadership development.

Commitment and retention

The most tangible impact was seen in the commitment of team members. By matching people's compatibilities from the outset, the Virtual Coach contributed significantly to the success of the integration and its impact on retention. Team members felt understood, supported and motivated, creating an environment conducive to retention.

Psychometric tools available to managers

Thanks to AtmanCo's six personality styles, the interpretation of a psychometric profile is now more accessible to managers. The simplified use of this data has fostered a better understanding of team dynamics and strengthened interaction between team members.

Evolution of management practices

By providing practical advice to managers, the Virtual Coach has contributed to the evolution of management practices centered on natural talent, creating an environment where each person can shine according to his or her strengths.


*This case study was produced by AtmanCo.

Discover the Virtual Coach