Recruiting 2.0: What is it About and How to Use it

What is recruitment 2.0? Here is what we mean by recruitment 2.0 and how to use it properly!

HR Technology

Stephan Poirier

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Young generation, new technology, shortage of skilled labor, varying economic situations – and that’s just to name a few! There are many things that bring changes to the workforce, so it is time for recruiting 2.0!

That being said, it does not mean that the traditional way of recruiting must be completely put aside. Instead, you must find a way to include social networks and blogs in your methods so you can benefit from them. Here is an in depth explanation of what recruiting 2.0 is and,  more importantly, how to use it!

What are the Web 2.0 social networks?

Recruiting 2.0 uses social networks that are not so different from the ones you use for fun. However, they are not reserved for personal use, since these sites are used for recruiting and sharing your company’s profile. So what are they exactly?

Facebook: You can use this social network to showcase your company and give it a voice, but you can also check certain candidates’ profiles as well. Although the integrity of this practice has been questioned, it allows you to get a quick overview of a person. You might find that certain generations are not as present on Facebook, but from a Web 2.0 perspective, your organisation must be present on this network.

Twitter: This site of microblogging allows you to reach out to a certain type of Internet users, especially marketing, communications, and information technology professionals. You cannot post anything with more than 140 characters, but using hyperlinks will allow you to say more!

LinkedIn: Here is a site exclusively used for professional networking. Users must accept one another’s invitations in order to become connections. You will find users’ resumes and contact information, as well as what they post, but you will also find certain companies’ profiles and accomplishments.

There are also new recruiting 2.0 techniques. We see them being used more and more frequently, and hence, should be considered as well:

YouTube: Although it is mostly used to stream millions of videos, YouTube can also be useful for your organization. Among other things, you can start your own channel and share short videos about your company: your employees, your accomplishments, and even your extravagant hopes for the holiday season – something that will charm potential employees.

Blogs: Blogs and blog posts allow companies to showcase their know-how by sharing information in a less formal way than on their actual websites. However, be careful not to assume it is an advertorial, since the information shared on blogs is authentic and is there for Internet users’ use!

A mobile version of your website: This adapted version will allow potential clients to visit your website from a smart device wherever they are. And who knows, they might even apply for a job as soon as they see an offer.

How to use social networks?

Most of the time, it is your communications or marketing teams that are responsible for posting and managing the company’s profile on social networks. That being said, do not hesitate to participate, for the outcomes are also beneficial in human resources management.

First, you need to check if your company already has a profile for recruiting on the different social networks. It is very likely that your organization has a public profile to showcase its products and services offered, but it is not used to post job openings.

You have two possibilities: you can either request to have your job offers posted as well, or you can create a completely different profile reserved for recruiting and hiring. In this respect, a few networks, like LinkedIn, will allow you to contribute to the company’s profile while also allowing you to act in your own name, as a professional linked to the company.

Whatever your strategy, be sure to discuss it with the company’s main stakeholders: communications team, marketing team, social networking manager, etc. Your organization can only have one personality on the Internet, so be sure that all actions taken on social networks are consistent and serve the organization’s needs.

What to do on social networks?

Social networks are characterized by their spontaneity; it’s true. However, a good management of social networks will stand out thanks to a strong strategy and its effective enforcement.

On one hand, you need to post an eye-catching company profile to attract potential candidates, which will contribute to making the recruiting process easier.

On the other hand, you need to find the candidates whose profiles correspond to your needs, whether they are searching for a job or already have one elsewhere. You can also use social networking to reach out among your contacts and discussion groups, and to find potential candidates.

Finally, you need to ensure your presence, whether it is in your professional name or in your organization’s name, since it will allow you to be present in the virtual world and to be one of the companies candidates consider when looking for a job.

How to recruit with recruiting 2.0?

To do so, you need to determine what kind of candidate profile you would like to recruit: what languages do they speak? What are their main professional interests? What are their criteria for choosing a job? What is their skill type, their average age, their habit when it comes to consulting social media?

Once you have decided on a profile, you will then be able to choose which network would be the best to reach out to those people and post information. For example, human resources management, communications, marketing, and information technology professionals prefer LinkedIn and Twitter.

Adopt a strategy

Even though the information on social networks seems to circulate at a fast pace, it is essential to take the time you need to establish a strategy. In this regard, consider setting up a schedule of the publications you would like to post, and schedule them at regular intervals.

It is useless to flood your network once a month with information, the algorithm that manages social networking will soon forget about you. Instead, plan to spread out your publications throughout the month, the week, and the day – even posting at certain hours of the day can be beneficial to you! Have no fear, the majority of social networks allow you to program which messages you would like to publish at a later time, so you don’t have to get up very early or go to bed very late!

Too much is as bad as not enough!

When you are planning, you also need to determine which members of your team will be responsible for this task. Programming your publications in advance is practical, but could be disastrous if several people save messages to be posted without consulting each other – just imagine the outpour of information your potential candidates would receive!

Remember that social network users can choose what they see in their news thread. So, be a leader and not an organization they’ll want to block because of overabundant or impertinent publications.

Beware, it is not customer service

Usually, clients are more inclined to express their dissatisfaction on companies’ social networks than to post their compliments. In this regard, it is possible that because of a lack of resources, a client asks a question about a product or expresses their frustration by leaving a comment after a human resources publication.

If that happens, follow these two steps:

Stay calm. You might want to answer certain tactless comments right away, but remember that in the era of Internet 2.0, nothing entirely disappears, so you need to act with restraint.

Make a decision to the best of your knowledge. Your publication with follow its course and will be replaced by new ones, according to your schedule. You can also reply to the comment politely and direct the client to customer service. Whatever solution you go for, don’t forget to share that information with the customer service team, who will then be ready to act appropriately if need be.

A few errors to avoid on social networks

  • Spelling mistakes or inaccurate facts in your publications.
  • Outdated or incomplete profiles.
  • Overabundant or impertinent publications.
  • Inappropriate tone (too familiar or too formal).
  • Misuse of certain functions: yes, emoticons and hashtags exist, but use them sparingly.
  • Limited content. Not all publications need to be about hiring. For example, others can mention a human resources management prize, training offered to employees, a team-building day, or even interesting articles that come from other sources – that will allow you to spruce up your image without overdoing it.

Recruiting 2.0 is not a luxury reserved to information technology companies, nor is it a cutting edge trend. It is a way to maximize your recruiting efforts and to modernize your more traditional methods without putting them aside altogether. Although it might seem time-consuming at first, recruitment 2.0 is possible for all organizations when it is well executed, and offers many benefits for the company. What is the best thing in all of that? Many experts can assist you or can help you optimize the strategy you have initiated. So, recruitment 2.0, do we like it?

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